베트남의 은행의 ATM는 베트남 전국에 약11,000개소(2010/8현재)가 있다.국가 금융 시스템(Banknetvn)이 VNBC(비나스마트카드)와 정식으로 접속한 2010년 5월 20일부터 거의 모든 ATM가 타은행의 것도 이용할 수 있게 되었다.2009년에는 이미 Smartlink(원래는 Vietcong 뱅크의 Card Services Corporation)가 Banknetvn와 접속된 때문에 42개의 은행(ATM의86%)이 이용 가능했었지만, 이번 VNBC의 접속으로 한층 더 편리하게 되었다.
자행의 ATM는 수수료가 무료, 같은 시스템(Smartrtlink인가 VNBC인가)에 속하는 은행이면 2000 동, 다른 시스템 은행의 ATM를 사용하는 경우는 3300 동의 수수료가 든다.
About us
Established in April 2007 and officially commenced in October 2007, Smartlink Card Services Joint Stock Company, formerly known as Card Services Corporation of Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank), was launched by Vietcombank and 15 other commercial banks in order to strengthen the collaboration between member banks. Its mission is to reinforce and expand the existing multi-party partnerships between banks, to develop and stimulate non-cash payment services, to facilitate good and service providers in a professional way by order of the Prime Minister and the State Bank of Vietnam.
Smartlink 멤버 은행:Vietcombank, Techcombank, Asia Commercial Bank, Military Bank, , Maritime Bank, North Asia Commercial Bank, Orient Commercial Bank, SEA Bank, Southern Bank, Shinhan Vina Bank, Eximbank, Indo Vina Bank, Nam Viet Bank, VP Bank, VIBank, ABBank, Habubank, , HDBank, Viet A Bank, , Saigon Bank, Pacific Bank, Viet-Nga Bank, Lao-Viet Bank, Ocean Bank, , SH Bank, VID Public Bank.
Joint Stock Company VNBC Smart Card was officially launched and admitted two new members and PIBank DaiA Bank (Cambodia). The company also contract extension with Bank Global Petroleum (GP.Bank). Current system VNBC Bank of East Asia has established 10 members include: income housing, HabuBank, Saigonbank, CommonwealthBank,
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